Feldenkrais training for performance and life
Rebecca Meitlis teaches individuals and small groups at all levels
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Group and individual sessions bring mind and body together to enhance movement, as well as the ability to think, feel, learn and relax.

Group sessions: Awareness Through Movement (ATM)

Guided through a series of gentle and exploratory movements, students learn how attention to specific experiences helps develop flow and ease. This exploration engages and increases their internal awareness as they move within their own range of ease and comfort. Choice, interpretation and self-discovery are vital elements of the Feldenkrais Method and I emphasize the students' freedom within the structured lesson.

Individual sessions: Functional Integration (FI)

One-on-one lessons allow for a more personal focus. After a careful conversation about specific needs, you to sit or lie down on a purpose-made Feldenkrais bed. With skilled sensitivity, I will gently move your body, drawing your attention to anything that might block easy movement. In this way, I help you develop the self-awareness to identify and release habitual, but often limiting, movement patterns. Even after one session you may notice significant changes in how you feel, your balance, breathing and flexibility.

To find out more about content and availability of sessions and workshops please follow the links below; you may also like to sign up for email alerts: email Rebecca

Public classes

Individual classes

My first session of Feldenkrais was a revelation. I learnt to release my body, to understand my body and to respect my body; to challenge presumptions of inability and to build a hope in my physical future.

Ian Rutherford, Director

Workshops: click here


“Movement is life. Life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself.”

Moshe Feldenkrais