Feldenkrais training for performance and life

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Feldenkrais can help you explore your potential through subtle, specific, and focused attention to simple movements…

Rebecca says: "Feldenkrais helped me to be more balanced, feel better about myself and gave me more stamina. Now that I have been doing it for many years, I can see how it is affecting my choices in life – looking for what feels comfortable, enjoyable, and authentic, while experiencing a new clarity. I can also better manage stressful situations through my knowledge of breath and balance."

My Feldenkrais session with Rebecca was tangibly beneficial to my performance in a concert given immediately afterwards: I walked out of the session feeling taller and relaxed and those sensations transferred on to the concert platform with visible (and audible!) success.

Thomas Gould, Violinist

I feel so harmonis`ed, my body has righted itself... as if some tension I didn’t know was there melted away.

Anna Carlisle OBE, Choreographer

Thank you for your work, this intensive week of Feldenkrais completely changed my vision of singing, breathing and... living.

Diana Gouglina, Soloist, at Chapelle Musicale Reine Elisabeth

“Movement is life. Life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself.”

Moshe Feldenkrais